Francis Rousseaux
ETI Expertise France, iSPIRT Fellow
Francis Rousseaux is engineer, full professor in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. As a Researcher in Computer Science and Digital Humanities, he has contributed to more than 200 scientific publications, and was involved in many IT projects, supported by UE or French ANR.
He has been Auditor of the 50th National Session of Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale IHEDN (1997), member of the International College of Philosophy and director of an associate team on the theme of Strategic Decision (1998-2000), regular partner of IRCAM—Centre Pompidou (2000-2019), and was Associate Professor at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2017-2022). Seconded to the Expertise France agency with the status of International Technical Expert on behalf of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), he exercised (2019—2021) the functions of deputy rector of the University of Galatasaray in Istanbul, Turkey, the University (5000 students) also integrating the Galatasaray High School (1000 students).
Since October 2023, in cooperation with iSPIRT and the Indian French Tech, Francis Rousseaux is supporting the Indian techno-legal approaches around Public Data Exchange Infrastructure and Artificial Intelligence regulation.